When you think of the Mediterranean, it's not often you think of a solid 7 foot, meaty swell rolling in! So when Julien Taboulet of Naish Stand up paddle saw the outside wave bouys hitting 6.9m, he didn't hesitate to grab a little 8'5" Hokua and hit the beach. We're thankful he did!
These are great photos, and it just goes to show how far the sport of stand up paddling has come since it hit the big time a few years ago. Can you imaging if these images popped up in 2005? The surfing world would have gone nuts with questions about who on earth this guy was out in such big waves, with a tiny little board and a canoe paddle in his hands. Now, the sport is instantly recognisable and fast becoming a household name.
Here's what Julien had to say about the day:
”Sometimes, the Mediterranean sea can be on fire, Argeles Sur Mer is a nice village close to the spanish border, 30km down to Leucate. The outside buoy had registred 6,9M swell max this day, with 10 second of period!!!! Naish Hokua 8’5, small quad, that was a good ride…;)"
Check out the Naish Facebook page for more pics!
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