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donderdag, 08 november 2012 07:36


NAHSKWELL-SUP is een Frans merk die uit Bretagne komt, jaren lange surf ervaring maakt dat ze heel wat afweten hoe een board te shapen en ontwikkelen. Tevens hebben ze een eigen kijk op de toekomst van het shapen en hebben hun eigen Race en Longboard SUP's ontwikkeld.

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Nah Skwell was born and is growing-up at the tip of Brittany, in Finistère.
Deeply rooted in several years of standing-it up, this young brand found its true colours following hours spent practicing the different Stand-Up-Paddling disciplines, and even more hours of discussion in the shaping room.
Our team explored any design option, to try and offer to beginners and top riders alike: innovative and refined shapes, duly proved after hours on the water. Thinner, less voluminous and less cumbersome, those shapes are, nevertheless, more stable and offer beginners true “surfing” sensations from day one, without neglecting accessibility.
Competition-proved, the latest Nah-Skwell shapes have allowed brand-manager Bruno Andre to get in the top 3 of Wave-contests and win most long-distance races, in France.

Check de site: http://www.nahskwell-sup.com/


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