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vrijdag, 22 februari 2013 00:00

Hobie Shaping 2013

Hobie shaper Mark Johnson toont ons hoe hij de nieuwe Race 12'6 Elite flat water vorm geeft.

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woensdag, 05 december 2012 07:14

Paddle and Surfboard Design video

Een video over het shapen van Sups and Paddle's, Kialo paddle shaper Dave Chun en SUP board shaper Gerry Lopez vertellen over hun passie.

Gerry Lopez and Dave Chun of KIALOA paddle discuss the creative process and inspiration which fuels their passions for surf, stand up paddleboarding and paddle design. Straddling the line between creativity and insanity, you are just as likely to hear a discussion on His Holiness the Dali Lama and the merits of Heavy Metal, as one on hydrodynamics and higher design when you visit the shops of Gerry Lopez Surfboards and Dave Chun's KIALOA Paddles.
Located in Bend, Oregon, these transplanted Hawaiians don't perceive the lack of ocean front real-estate as an obstacle to shaping and designing state of the art paddles and boards.
"You don't need to be on the water to surf" says surfing icon Lopez. "Surfing is a state of mind".


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maandag, 03 december 2012 07:13

The mhl Shaping Warehouse

Mooie video over MHL uit Puerto Rico en hun shaping warenhuis. Bij m'n komende reis in Puerto Rico zal ik er eens langs gaan en wat foto's nemen en enkele boardjes testen.


Song: Bong Bong
Artist: Manu Chao

Here's a visual piece of the shaping warehouse of mhl custom in Isabela, Puerto Rico. I'm going to clean up the audio from the owner and one of the shapers from mhl custom before uploading them separately. For now, know that there is quality coming our of the Enchanted Island... it goes by mhl.

Thanks to the crew for letting me into your home and to Adrian for swimming by at Jobos.

See you soon.

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donderdag, 15 november 2012 00:00

Gaétan Séné StarBoard Designer

Starboard SUP designer Gaétan Séné toont ons wat z'n job inhoud, shapes ontwikkelen en verder uitwerken zodat ze perfect op punt staan voor de consument.

Bekijk de video hieronder, meer info kan je op deze link vinden: Click hier...

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