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Paddle techniek verbeteren met Sam Ross Speciaal

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Sam Ross heeft heel wat video's gemaakt over paddle techniek, alles is mooi gefilmd en uitgelegd. Meer video instructie hier: https://vimeo.com/user5556022/videos

The definitive guide to paddle length Speciaal

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Nog wat info over de lengte van de paddle: I’ll start by stating that there is no such a controversial and at the same time difficult gear selection in Stand Up Paddle than the paddle length. Period. At the end the right paddle length is that that works for you, it’s a personal issue, but let’s have a look at how can you get to that right measure, from different points of view. Everything starts when I began to realise that my paddle was limiting my progress: it’s too stiff, the blade too big, and the shaft too long, or…

Fins tutorial Speciaal

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There's something about fins that makes some guys tick. Rob Pirie is one of these guys, and if you've ever wondered about what counts under your stand up paddle board, then this is the video to watch. JP Sups have tried a new concept this year with their wave boards. They've strayed away from the industry standard of having toe and cant built into the fin boxes, and gone for a totally straight mounting system. Drawn from windsurfing origins, the straight setup makes less drag which as Pirie describes, is very important for a stand up paddle board. Adding to…


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Dave Kalama shows spinning the board, looks easy but....

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