We hope you enjoy Blue Zone SUP's latest video creation with footage of 3x ASP World Champion Colin McPhillips & friends here in Costa Rica having a blast. The BZSUP crew had a great time with this group & we're looking forward to doing it again really soon.
Blue Zone SUP is a luxury SUP retreat in Costa Rica's 'Blue Zone' which is blessed with incredibly consistent surf, lots of wave variety & incredible food. If you are interested in coming to visit be prepared for warm water, a massive increase in your SUP surfing ability and most likely the best week of your year. Visit www.bluezonesup.com or send an email to Dit e-mailadres wordt beveiligd tegen spambots. JavaScript dient ingeschakeld te zijn om het te bekijken. if you would like to learn more.
Blue Zone SUP - Dukes of Hazzard inspired Speciaal
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16 september 2014
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1 Reactie
Bob dinsdag, 16 september 2014 08:50
Dammmm those DUKES
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