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Hoe carbon paddle inkorten Speciaal

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Geschreven door  19 september 2012
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Hoe kan je het best een carbon paddle op maat zagen en handvat bevestigen?

Some think that cutting a stand up paddle to the correct length is a bit of a dark art, but with the easy steps below you will be ready to go with a paddle that is exactly the right length for you.

So what is the correct length - some people say 6 inches taller than your head height, others say 10 inches - so what is it to be ? Well it depends, sorry for the slightly woolly answer ! The way I do it is as follows:

  • My personal preference in terms of paddle length for surfing is 7 to 8 inches above head height (any longer and I find it throws my balance to one side).
  • I put some electrical tape around that point on the paddle shaft.
  • I put my SUP board on something like a packing case, that allows me to stand on it and work the paddle action making sure that the blade is able to go into where the water line would be and it is neither in too deep or not deep enough. Adjust the electrical tape to suit.

    Lees meer hier: How to cut to length....
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