0 iSUP.be De Belgische Stand Up Paddle site ! SUP nieuws en community. - Toon items op tag: herstelling iSUP.be De Belgische Stand Up Paddle site ! SUP nieuws en community. - Toon items op tag: herstelling

U bevindt zich hier: HomeTipsDiverseToon items op tag: herstelling
maandag, 05 november 2012 07:09

Basic Home Paddle Repair

Hoe eenvoudig je paddle zelf te herstellen, doe het zelf met onderstaande info en link...

I can still see myself thrusting the tip of my fiberglass paddle into the murky water as I initiated a very unsophisticated and unanticipated brace. I instantly heard the grating crunch as the tip of the blade ground into whatever hid beneath the surface. Whether it was a rock or a submerged piece of hardened junk, it didn't matter. Lees meer op de website: LINK hier...

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