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maandag, 03 december 2018 14:57

FOILSUP instructie video's

Instructie reeks voor de beginnende SUP Foiler,


This is the first video in a series of SUP Foiling instructional videos: How to paddle straight on a short board. To make a short board go straight, the stoke has to be modified. I find short strokes pulling towards the feet and ending by the toes seem to work best. Angling the blade towards the body, starting the stroke far in front and taking short strokes pulling the board straight forward are described in the video. The next videos in this series will be: #2 catching a wave and lift off, #3 controlling height and speed, #4 pumping the foil, #5 turning the foil We will post the videos on a weekly basis, with a new video posted on our channel every Saturday 7 am Hawaii time, please subscribe and click the notification bell to receive an update when we post a new video. Thank you for watching! If you enjoyed the video, please give it a thumbs up, subscribe to our channel and turn on notifications to see our latest videos posted on a weekly basis.



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vrijdag, 03 februari 2017 00:00

The front side top turn

Instructie video hoe je een "Top Turn" maakt, check it out...

The top turn is a manoeuvre that not only looks good but feels fantastic too. This week we are going to be looking at the frontside top turn, which on a good wave you will be likely to carry out several times on a wave. Performed directly after the bottom turn the top turn is designed to keep you close to the breaking section of the wave where there's more speed and power.

If you would like to see this video feature extended with more information visit SUPboarder Pro here https://www.supboardermag.com/pro/#ma...


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woensdag, 17 december 2014 16:50

The future of stand up paddle boarding...

The future of stand up paddle boarding is here, try it now at your local beach cause it won't be cool forever… Hhahahahahaha

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donderdag, 21 maart 2013 13:26

Hoe Golven nemen ?

Enkele tips voor wie wil starten met SUPen in de golven en de techniek nog niet volledig onder de knie heeft. Met onderstaande tips, van de Zen Waterman site, zal je al een heel eind verder komen....


ou were probably wondering when I would finally get around to how to catch and surf waves on a SUP.  Ideally, everyone would learn the basics first before even attempting to go into the surf to catch waves.  Unfortunately many head straight into the surf without basic skills and little knowledge of surfing etiquette.  I hope you are not one of them.  Please make sure you have a good grasp of all the basic skills covered in the first 6 technique posts and knowledge of surfing etiquette before even thinking about catching waves, especially if there are others in the waves with you.

For a pretty good summary of SUP etiquette, check out: http://www.supright.com

I worked with a class from Hawaii Pacific College that made these videos as part of their business school projects.

This first one is about how to catch a wave and how you want to approach the wave differently when you are Stand Up Paddling than when you are surfing without a paddle:

This video is about switching your stance from parallel stance to surf stance as you are catching the wave:

This video is about how to use your paddle on the wave for balance and turning:

Thanks for watching.  Again, please remember to make sure you first master the basic concepts of SUP before attempting to go into the surf zone:

Links to the paddle technique series posts:
Paddle Technique Part 0: Introduction to SUP
Paddle Technique Part 1: Choosing the Right Paddle
Paddle Technique Part 2: The Three Ingredients of a Powerful Stroke
Paddle Technique Part 3: Stacking the Shoulders
Paddle Technique Part 4: Reach and Catch
Paddle Technique Part 5: Recovery, Paddle Length and Grip

Paddle Technique Part 6: Turning the Board
Paddle Technique Part 7: Catching Waves

Robert Stehlik

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dinsdag, 19 februari 2013 00:00

Adding new demisions to your SUP performance

Op de Naish site wordt uitgebreid uit de doeken gedaan hoe je uw paddle techniek kan verbeteren:

These exercises will help you increase your overall SUP performance. They are presented with a clear progression from easier to advanced. All levels of paddlers can take away a few new training tips and techniques here.

As a trainer and paddler, I want to introduce a new concept that will help keep your brain and stand up paddling skills extra sharp in all dimensions.

What I mean by this is that we live and paddle in one dimension. We walk forward, we swim forward, we surf forward and we all can say we paddle forward. Sure we turn, we cut back and I have seen some paddle backwards to goof off, but we usually train and paddle in one dimension.
Now I have experienced, not on purpose; the act of sliding sideways on a big downwind glide. It’s almost like drifting in a racecar or doing what we call in the rally world, a 4-point drift! (Best freak’n, exciting rush ever!) Have you ever felt your board skid sideways? What did you? How did you react? Did you fight it or did you think it was way cool and go with it?

Have you practiced time and time again to step up; hop up over that small or medium sized wave or beach break attempting to get out, only to find yourself quickly stepping off the nose or back of board? These exercises will help you get up and over that small or medium side chop or wave.

Do you know how to brace yourself with your paddle before you fall? Can you instinctively plant your paddle without looking and confidently know it will be exactly where you need it, without falling off your board? Are you having trouble with quick turns into a wave or around a buoy? If so, these exercises will help you improve those skills too.

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maandag, 28 januari 2013 07:24

How To: SUP Flip Rescue

Hoe moet je iemand redden met je SUP? Stand up paddling carries inherent dangers that we must be prepared to deal with whenever we take to the water. In this SUP safety video, stand up paddling expert Nikki Gregg and Oahu lifeguard Kurt Lager explain the flip rescue.

This important technique allows you to rescue an unconscious, unresponsive or physically compromised victim using your stand up paddleboard as an aid.

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dinsdag, 04 december 2012 07:16

Stand Up Paddle - A Paddlers Guide

510 pagina's met SUP info, meer dan 1000 foto's dit alles in de "Stand Up Paddle - A Paddlers Guide." . A uniquely powerful, insightful publication, unlike anything yet written or produced in relation to what is currently heralded as the fastest growing water sport the world over.

Iets voor onder de kerstboom?

Flip book inkijk hier:http://issuu.com/stevewest/docs/standuppaddleintro/1

Online te koop hier: http://www.kanuculture.com/purchasing/

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maandag, 12 november 2012 13:18

Wave SUP explained by Jem Hall

During a clinic in Ireland Jem Hall explains how to SUP in waves and how to catch your first wave. The clip was recorded with a compactcamera, so don't expect a super movie, but do expect a very clear explanation. For info about the (windsurf) clinics of Jem Hall, see jemhall.com

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donderdag, 01 november 2012 00:00

De juiste slag lengte

De juiste slaglengte ? leer hoe je het meeste rendement kan halen uit iedere slag door deze niet te lang te maken.

Meer tips op Tribord.TV .. check de link

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Here's a nice little video in which Starboard brings their two SUP (and windsurf!) stars in front of the camera: Anne Marie Reichmann and Iballa Moreno.

It's very fresh, well made and with no pretention. The best of it all? It makes you want to go paddle!

We particularly liked the sequence with Iballa Moreno surfing, the breakdown is great!

Congrats ladies!

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