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Lazy Sundaqy's: Big Tas Paddle Session! Speciaal

Gepubliceerd in Media
Geschreven door  20 januari 2013
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Weeral zondag, dus hier een nieuwe Lazy Sunday's video, keep on dreaming in dit winter weer met deze extreme video van Kyron Rathbone , Fanatic Rider.

one of west tassie's rarest big wave gems fires and a small crew of the States' best hard-core chargers roll the dice and win big with an epic paddle session. The country kids and the city kids from Hobart share a day to remember - and one that might not be repeated at this spot for a number of years. With SUP madman Kyron Rathbone, Zeb Critchlow, Ty Hollmer-Cross, Andy Schwartz, Marti Paradisis, Danny O' Donnel, Zak Grey, Ian Chalmers and James Hollmer-Cross. Filmed and edited by Rick Eaves... rickeaves.com

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