Hoe kan je nu het best de paddle vasthouden en wat is de beste techniek? Leer hier hoe het moet...
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The basics:
Hand position - If you hold the paddle above your head then your elbows should be at a 90? angle. If they're too far either side of this then your paddling will be inefficient. Think about getting some tape and marking out where your bottom hand should be - at least till you get a feel for it.
Feet position - You may wonder what your feet have to do with paddling, but getting your foot position right is actually one of the key factors in an effective paddling technique. Think of your feet as the foundations for your arms and your paddle - weak foundations equal an unstable paddle technique. To get it right, your feet should be a shoulder width apart with one foot a couple of inches in front of the other to keep you stable front-to-back. If you're changing sides as you paddle then you'll need to decide whether or not to shuffle your feet as you switch sides with the paddle.