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Short Sup techniek Speciaal

Gepubliceerd in Techniek
Geschreven door  04 oktober 2012
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Super surfgevoel met een Short Sup, maar hoe doe je de take Off? Op een 5'9 of 6'7 boardje zal je een andere techniek moeten gebruiken dan op een langere SUP.



What you have to do :

  • take a little of speed long time before the wave comes. Don’t start to paddle when the wave is under your board.
  • add some space between your feet, on the front axxis AND on the width axxis.
  • don’t paddle too strong.
  • be exactly at the peak.
  • use the J stroke trick to minimise the row effect.
  • don’t do too much numerous strockes. Doing it means you were too far from the beach.
  • watch the spot and anticipate to be well located at the peak.
  • drive the board with your feet to put it where you want it to go.
  • remember that the water must glide along your fins to make them efficient. The faster you are the less row effect you have. Paddling late is the best way to make a great spin and loose the wave.
  • keep your breast as much parallele to the deck of the board as you can to keep margin on your balance.
  • bend your knees.
  • avoid all the parasites moves on your body and on the board.
  • remember the sequency : 1/ take some speed 2/ turn the board on the right direction to take the wave (don’t forget the row) 3/ accelerate and lets go.

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